Friday, June 5, 2015

What's been happening - Mark, Kate, home!

My son Mark pictured here presenting his academic paper at the Valencia, Spain, international engineering conference dealing with maintenance and reliability decision-making in the passenger rail industry. Mark was privileged to be selected to make this presentation based on his engineering Master's research work this and last year. The conference has just finished and he is off to nearby Ibiza for for a jol.

Mark presents his engineering paper in Spain

Outside the conference centre in Valencia

MC in selfie mode
MC's photo of the beach in Ibiza. He hired a bicycle and said the beaches were endless


My daughter Kate spends her weekends venturing around South Korea where trains are fast and reliable. Here Kate and her mates Chelsea and Leoni visit the Boseong Greentea Plantation down south in South Korea.

Chelsea (selfie), Kate (back) and Leoni at Boseong in the green tea plantation - green tea is my preferred beverage at the office and at bedtime!!
Kate posing in the plantation

The long arm of Kate

The green marker is where the Boseong plantation is situated and the blue marker the city of Busan where Kate and her mates are teaching English
At Home

At home we've been spending some spare time/making time to go to the gym to get those beach bods (ha ha) in time for our September cruise around Croatia on the yacht, as well as a week on the Greek island of Mykonos. In trying to sort our flights out we managed to get a good deal stopping over in Prague, Czek Republic, so we going to have some fun there too.

Off to sea..

Meanwhile planning is full steam ahead for our July flight across the Mozambique Channel from Vilankulos to Madagascar in our Sling aircraft. Here's the logo we've been working on for the tour of about 6-8 aeroplanes joining us.. more pics and info on my aviation blog.. click the link here.

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