Monday, May 18, 2015

Kids keeping out of trouble

My boy is not too good with photos so I have to snatch one here and there to keep up some kind of pictorial diary of what he gets up to. At Sacs School in Cape Town, while he is completing his Engineering Masters, he works part-time as Housemaster and coaches waterpolo and rugby. This weekend saw his rugga boys win their match against Rondebosch Boys High.

Mark excited at his team's win against Rondebosch on Saturday

Meanwhile my daughter Kate ventured with Chris to Seoul, northern South Korea, for the weekend where they climbed the Dobongsan mountain, the highest in Seoul.

The view from atop Seoul's highest peak

Chris and Kate selfie on top of the Dobongsan Mountain in Seoul

Most parts were pretty steep

Kate carted some cherry almond muffins along that she baked for their picnic. In the background is Chris' elephant we posted him for a taste of Africa.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers' Day Mom

We got to enjoy the day with our moms at the Royal Natal Yacht Club who put on a fabulous spread for our special moms. Thank you moms for being the people you are in our lives.

Dave's mom Molly, whose husband Gordon used to be the Commodore of the RNYC where we enjoyed our luncheon

Llewellyn and his mom Evelyn

Mom's garden flowers coming into bloom today

Dave with his mom Molly